Dilapidations are always at the forefront of both Landlords and Tenants considerations when leasing commercial property. Hogbens Chartered Surveyors offer a dilapidation consultancy service for Tenants and Landlords throughout the UK.
Hogbens have an excellent record in achieving positive outcomes for both Tenants and Landlords across a broad range of property types and client base. We provide accurate timely advice to ensure dilapidations claims are quickly and fairly settled at minimum cost to the client.
We take a pragmatic approach to this area of Landlord and Tenant and will advise what we think the best solution is for the client at the beginning of the process. We are able to produce comprehensive dilapidations report and negotiate with the other side to bring the matter to a satisfactory conclusion.
“We provide accurate timely advice to ensure dilapidations claims are quickly and fairly settled at minimum cost to the client.”
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Hogbens Property Services Ltd.
19 Chestergate
SK11 6BX
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